Immaterialized projects at Centre d'Art Santa Mònica

June 8, 2009, 3:10 pm

Our proposals for the organization of the environmental protection of the coast of the Barcelona Airport and a research on the Catalan territory participate in the exhibition Architecture without Place. 1968-2008 at the Centre d'Art Santa Mònica from June, 26th until September, 20th.

Architectures without Place is the result of the exploration of aspects of the recent creative heritage in architecture and urban planning which for various reasons have been ignored by official historiography.

The exhibition sets out to make visible all of this heritage from 1968 to the present, all the unrealized architecture that never existed or no longer exists, becomes valuable by spreading new light on this period in Catalan architecture. The show will include 180 of the 500 projects that have been selected from the 2000 and have been researched and documented by curators Antoni Pizza, Ramon Faura and Santi Ibarra since 2006.

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